Our Process

Each person, family, and business has a unique set of goals and values that determine the path they take on their financial journey. While the individual resources and tools we help you implement are customized to your needs, we follow an intentional framework that ensures each aspect of your finances are addressed as we work with you. We’ll adjust the process as needed to ensure your financial strategies and solutions suit your needs and goals as you grow. Whatever your vision of success is, here’s what you can expect when you work with us.

3 Step Process Graphic

Phase I:
Introduction & Discovery

All our relationships begin with a brief phone call to help us both determine if we’re a good fit for one another. From there, we’ll schedule a discovery meeting to discuss your needs and desires in more detail. We’ll conduct a qualitative factfinder to help us understand your values and what you want out of life—we’ll ask about your hopes, dreams, concerns, and where you’d like your family to be in the future.

Phase II:
Analysis & Recommendations

Once we have a better understanding of who you are, we’ll take a closer look at your financial situation. We’ll review your financial statements and budget, and we’ll conduct a quantitative factfinder that helps us outline your specific goals. From there, we’ll recommend strategies to help you meet those goals, protect your assets, and maximize your opportunities. Our objective is to create a comprehensive plan that accounts for a variety of situations so you feel confident managing your wealth in every phase of life. As we work together, we’ll take time to educate you about your strategies so you understand the purpose and value behind each recommendation.

Phase III:
Implementation & Ongoing Review

We view our work together as a partnership, and that means we stay by your side for the entire journey. Once we make our recommendations, we help you implement your strategies in your everyday life. We’ll communicate regularly to ensure you have everything you need, and whenever you have questions or need to change course, we’ll be there to show you the way. Our goal is to provide consistent support, accountability, and guidance so you have freedom and peace of mind to enjoy the incredible life you’ve created.